Saturday, May 17, 2008


My aim was to create something that was simple but yet straight to the point,i feel that i have done exactly that with the poster i have made.

My poster shows how the earth looks like now and how it will look in the near future if the ice in the arctic melts and believe me it will not be a pretty site.Making th poster i felt the need to get straight to the point and not beat about the bush so that people will exactly know whatit is about at first glance and not have thier own interpretations of it as some might go completely off and even convience others that what they say is indeed what the poster represents.

I felt that this was a good assingment as it focused on an issue that is truly terrorising the world and bring turmoil mostly because of the incidents which are occuring,i think we should take hint to this as this are signs that the worst of the worst shall come if we continue to kill our planet.

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